Date: Thursday, 9.5.24

Start Time: 3:30PM

Location: Anoka High School Cross Country Course

Teams: Andover, Anoka, Avail Academy, Centennial, Forest Lake, Irondale,

Minneapolis South, Minnetonka, Mounds View, Park Center, Parnassus, Prior

Lake (girls) Robbinsdale Cooper, Spring Lake Park, St. Agnes, St. Louis Park,

St. Paul Academy, STMA, Totino Grace

Coaches Meeting: 3:00PM - Finish line area

Race Schedule: 3:30PM Girls Junior Varsity (unlimited) 5000 Meters

4:15PM Boys Junior Varsity (unlimited) 5000 Meters

5:00PM Girls Varsity (10 athletes) 5000 Meters

5:45PM Boys Varsity (10 athletes) 5000 Meters

6:15PM MS Race (combined/unlimited) 3000 Meters

Awards: Varsity Medals to top 20

JV Medals to top 20

MS/C Ribbons to top 15

Team V Champions Plaque

• Lane assignments given at coaches meeting.

• Team camps should be set up in the field just Northwest of the course (directly West of

the tennis courts). NO camps on the course.

• Awards will be handed out in the finish chute. Plaques for Team V Champions (no


• The JV races are usually PACKED. It’s a small start line that funnels quickly. Remind

each other to have fun and be safe.

The MS/C race (3000m) is open to all competitors in grades 7-12. Please use this

race for any new runners who may need some more experience or may not be able

to complete a 5K in within the time schedule for races.

• Please use discretion when entering athletes who may not be able to complete a 5K in

under 35 minutes as we will try our best to stick to our time schedule.

• Remind parents that there are no dogs allowed in the course area.